About me

I'm a multidisciplinary artist, working with film, photography and music.

I started my film career at 17 as an actor and art director on the award winning sci-fi feature "Everywhen". Which was released in 57 countries on blue-ray and DVD. I've since studied film at the European film College in Denmark and finished a german Masters degree in Directing at the DFFB (Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin) in 2021. I’ve made films in Danish, English, German, Norwegian and in 2023 I wrote and directed my first project in Japanese, shot on location in Tokyo.

I have experience as a director, producer, writer, art director, composer, song-writer, photographer and actor - Giving me a thorough understanding of visual media, and how to create projects through clear communication with my team, no matter the size or budget.

I have film teams in Oslo, Tokyo and Berlin and speak English, Norwegian, German and Japanese.



17歳で俳優およびアートディレクターとして、受賞歴のあるSF映画「Everywhen」で映画キャリアをスタートしました。この作品は57か国でBlu-rayとDVDでリリースされました。その後、デンマークのEuropean Film Collegeで映画を学び、2021年にはDFFB(Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin)でドイツの映画監督の修士号を取得しました。デンマーク語、英語、ドイツ語、ノルウェー語で映画を製作し、2023年には東京でのロケーションで日本語のプロジェクトを執筆・監督しました。

