Berlin - The beginning of my music

Through studying, meeting strangers, jamming almost every week and sometimes sheer happenstance my music went from something I did on the side, to something I began thinking of as a career besides filmmaking.

My first years started off with making random film genre songs.

Trying things out

My first composer / producer collaboration was with my greek friend Ilias Panagiotopoulos. Who produced from his tiny bedroom in Prenzlauer Berg. We usually made a song per evening, meeting sporadically to try new genres and fun ideas.

The songs underneath are a few of those songs made back in 2016/17

Arcade is an 80s inspired track where we wanted to keep the intensity going, some kind of mystery.

Abandoned is just straight up super sad, as sad as possible. I improvised some piano after breaking up with my girlfriend and then we just rolled with that recording and made it even sadder haha.

Celesta is super epic, which was kind of the only thing we went for. More choir, more drums, more guitar, more more more.


8-bit mania

This project was all about creating a catchy track for a fictional game called “Mountain pogo stick”. 8-bit games are close to my heart, having started my gaming days with Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. So making a song in the style and instrumentation of the time was super fun.

  • Ilias Panagiotopoulos

    Music Producer

  • Harald Furuholmen



Brothers - Score